Saturday, February 18, 2006

We had a test in Language Arts and after going to the front of the class I turned arond and the girl behind me had her binder in her lap and was checking her answers. She looked up and saw me and slid her binder down next to her desk. Later, she remarked to her friend while glancing at me "That test was so easy...I didn't need to use it." And then she complemented my on my shirt-which I prided myself in noone liking. I'm not going to rat her out. I think I'll just hold it against her like if we become friends and get in an argument or something. >:)

02:32:08 PM


Anonymous said...

Enloe has tremendous ethical problems. If she had a notebook on her lap during a test, the teacher must be asleep.

Anonymous said...

Language Arts?

I would say that you are either a freshman or still in middle school. Either way, good for you. I know I enjoy collecting dirt on people. Worst comes to worst, you can always use it against them if they run for public office.

Anonymous said...

I thought freshman, myself. Turn her in if she gets a better grade than you, that's what I would do.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I'm a Freshman. But were in PIB for God sakes... she shouldn't be in the class. But I got an A on the test anyway. Well, the teacher was on the other side of the room grading papers so...

Anonymous said...

Pre-IB, that explains it.

Damn overcompetitive kids.

Anonymous said...

OP, a question. Do people cheat in PIB because they're so stressed and short on time? Are people in PIB aware from older IB kids that cheating is prominent and okay?

Anonymous said...

I'm so torn about this cheating thing...but here are some things I know for certain

1. People who choose to take difficult classes have no right to blame their teachers for their workload and use that as an excuse for cheating. Seriously, we could all be taking remedial classes and not have any work at all, anything above that was our choice.

2. Cheating hurts the cheaters who get caught and all the honest people out there. Just becasue you can cheat and get away with it, does that mean you deserve better grades than the honest person who is just as smart?

3. That doesn't mean you should turn anyone in for cheating. They have to make the descision to stop on their own.

Gah, I really have no idea where I stand on this issue and I know an honor code certainly won't do crap. Why can't everyone just understand that for the entire education process to work we have to follow the rules?

(all this from a guy who's taken to writing important formulas on his hand before physics tests)

PChis said...

Yea, but I like how even though I'm not IB (nor can or could I have been IB because I take Japanese and not one of their real languages), I have still had to do an IB project or two for every math class I have taken at Enloe, and a few for other classes as well.