Monday, February 27, 2006

Maybe I'm just not cut out for anything. I can't sing, can't dance. Can't spell, not even have proper grammar. I can’t do anything right! I try to make friends but make enemies, or I try to pull my friends closer, and they leave. Maybe I shouldn’t try at all.

05:59:58 PM


thewordofrashi said...

Well, you're damn sure good at complaining. I know! You could be a Democrat!

PChis said...

Wow sir, that was so harsh on so many levels.

thewordofrashi said...

Oh, but it was funny, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Not really. But at least we know thewordofrashi is good at making bad jokes.

thewordofrashi said...

Seriously, though. If you actually care about getting better at something, you'll work at it; you won't post on Tangst about how much you suck at everything. When people complain about stuff with no sort of plan for making their lives better - that annoys me to no end.

Anonymous said...

that was pretty mean.
don't be so condescending to your own self. self-confidence is something you ahve to work at.

now if you constantly put yoruself down like that you're just going in circles aren't you?