Sunday, February 26, 2006

I hate change. I just... I want things to stay the same, and I know they won't, not ever, but I would like to have one constant in my life.

I know, it's stupid of me to wish for that, because the only constant is change itself, but right now, I'd give anything for things to go back to the way they were.

11:28:20 PM


sithgirl said...

I really like having my friends as a constant. They help me get through the unpleasant changes.

And while the friends might change (personalities, or the people themselves), that bond is still the same, no matter what.

I <3 my friends.

Anonymous said...

As a senior I think this twice a week., minimum. Before I would have said change is always positive and the road ahead will always be brighter. Now I'm not so sure.

The one thing that is certain though, is there is no turning back. Time only goes one way and the best we can do is move forward and make the best of what we get.

Anonymous said...

It is not stupid to dislike change, it is merely immature. Everybody comes to terms with it at some point, and even if they don't, it's still a fact of life. Just keep living :)

Mutya Perez said...

You don't have to hate changes. You have to understand why things change. Things change for better or worse. But no matter how things change, you have to adjust for better.

PChis said...

It's a human trait, we dislike change.

And actually, change does change, so I guess everything does.