Thursday, February 16, 2006

for me, being at all attractive is a huge, concious effort. it's hard. i wish i didn't care so much. or that i didn't have to try.

03:13:58 PM


knight_racer979 said...

It has been my experience that the huge amount of effort put into "being at all attractive" is not all necessary. Most girls only believe that being beautiful requires effort on their parts. You may feel that you are not attractive without preperation, but you might not be correct.

I feel that most girls I know look better without makeup on than with it. Makeup tends to give one an...artificial look that, while appropriate for formal occasions, doesn't add that much to casual settings.

When I see a girl, I want to see what she really looks like, not what she has to make an effort to look like.

Anonymous said...

i don't mean makeup, i hardly wear that at all. i mean acting attractive, if that makes sense. if i don't, i get all grumpy and feel gross. it's a lot easier for me that way, but i still feel like i can't just let things slide like that.

knight_racer979 said...

OK, yeah I understand where you're coming from.

Wow, that makes my entire post completely irrelevant. Ha ha ha.

And now I have absolutely no idea about what to say.

Sorry that I wasn't more help. :-/

Anonymous said...

It's important for people to feel attractive. I think most of us would agree with that. The few people who say it doesn't matter, are often already attractive, and take it so much for granted, that they're not aware of it's importance.

I believe our ideas about attractiveness, are based on our instinctive awareness of what we see as healthy. Sadly, our culture helps create so many self-obsessed neuroses, that we become imbalanced and thereby, unhealthy.

Based on these ideas, I would sincerely advise you to have a balanced diet, exercise (all the boring stuff) and never stop looking at the whole world around you. That way, you will always feel grateful, which is the absolute foundation of any happy life.

One day, you may even find something more important than you.

Anonymous said...

I love those -real- moments when a girl has just gotten her hair messed up from rolling down a hill or her makeup is smeared from crying after a movie. The type of girl that's still comfortable with herself even when everything isn't "just so", is so much more attractive in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you understand the the difference between looking and acting attractive. If you can act attractive you have achieved a panache that could never rival physical beauty.

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand what it means to act attractive. Sure we all make a conscious effort to not wipe our nose on our sleeve of make gross faces all the time, but "acting attractive" sounds so much like...acting, pretending to be a certain way just so people will like you. Spending most of the hours out of your day as if you were on stage would seriously weigh a person down, and I think that's the pressure that the op is feeling. You can only be fake for so long.

Anonymous said...

How about you just be yourself instead of "acting attractive." I agree with the above. Acting attractive can never compare with the beauty of Self.
I'm one of those everyone-is-radiant-and-beautiful somewhere-deep-inside type people.

PChis said...

But what is the self really?

oh god philosohpy makes me think too much.

Damn you Buddhism. You too Hinduism.