Sunday, February 26, 2006

He got drunk again tonight. This beast that I live with- I tolerate him when he's sober, but when he's a babbling drunken fool I pity him not at all. Alcohol has destroyed life as I used to know it. Alcohol took my father from me- and eventually my cousin too. I have a hardened heart towards alcohol consumption- either get help or don't do it. It's to the point where I lose trust in someone the moment they have a drink.

The last time he got drunk he almost hit me- my mother stopped him (without her knowing what she'd done)
I'm afraid this time my mother won't be around when he comes down to my room to yell at me for something ridiculous.
I'm in for yet another sleepless night.

10:27:55 PM


Anonymous said...

Oh, hell. Sympathy probably isn't what you need right now, but I do feel for you. I know, a little, what alcohol can do to someone you love.

Aren't there groups for teens with alcohol-abusive parents? Alateen, maybe?

Anonymous said...

I hate alcohol with a passion. I have never had a drink at a party. I only drink alone, I only drink to run away.

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the taste of alcohol, the concept of alcohol, the feeling of alcohol burning my throat on its way down.

But still, on every bad day... I think about the rum.

It was always rum.

Anonymous said...

PS-- I haven't drunk alcohol since May, OP. Don't lose your respect for me (I'm one of your friends.)

My heart breaks for you, OP.
I don't even know what it's like, with my tiny problems that drive me to think of drinking. You live out the bigger problems every day.
You don't even know how much I admire your strength...

Anonymous said...

I always get really uncomfortable when my friends start talking about alcohol. I've never had any ever, and I don't plan to either. The general feeling of disappointment that washes over me as they boast about their exploits leaves me rather cold.

Anonymous said...

i feel for you, op. it's kinda the same thing for me. and my mom's parents were both alcoholics. but you know what? we made it through and now we're surrounded by people that love us and care about us. you are amazingly strong and i know that you will not have to endure this forever if you do not want to.

thewordofrashi said...

I currently have a friend that is killing himself right now between alcohol and drugs. The worst part is, he doesn't give a damn. It is heatbreaking to watch, especially since I've known this kid since he was a first grader. If you want someone to really talk to, call this number:


BTW, that isn't me. It's the HopeLine number. I always knew that card I carried around might come in handy.