Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why do we keep trying to convince ourselves that life is fair, that what goes around comes around, and that everything happens for a reason?

We say that life isn't fair, but, deep down, we believe that it will be. That bad people will get what they deserve. That somehow, fairness will prevail in our lives.

Well, guess what?
Life isn't fair. I am not saying this the way it usually is said, in a harsh, sarcastic kind of voice, the kind you heard from your mother when you whined for candy in the supermarket.

I am saying this in the voice of your best friend, not as a consolation, but a revelation. Think about it. Guess what? Life isn't fair!!
That is a discovery, in itself, when you really pay attention to it.
That is worthy of your time- if you pay attention.

You feel released don't you? Of this burden of justice?
Life isn't fair, don't let yourself think that again. Rejoice in the fact that you'll never try to cheer yourself up by believing this.

If you want justice, if you want fairness, then MAKE your life fair. No one else can do it for you. You are born free, after all.

11:28:30 PM


Anonymous said...

You aren't born free; you're born into the world of your parents, to world of your doctors, and the world of your goverment. Life isn't fair, cut and dried; make the most of what you've got. There's a saying about lemons and lemonade that works well here.

thewordofrashi said...

I disagree. Life is the fairest thing in existence. Who are you to decide what is fair or not?

Anonymous said...

NaH it aint fair you just gotta go through it

PChis said...

Once you're done with life (and seeing as how you're younger than twenty you have a considerable distance to go), and once you're done with experiencing everyone else's life, come back to me and say that.

Believe in your fellow man. After all, according to bagels, only 13% of the US population is corrupt.

Anonymous said...

taxes are not certain, but seriously saying life is fair or unfair is impossible unless you know the entire nature of life. When you look at a situation you never see every thing its impossible to determine if its "fair" or not.