Saturday, August 19, 2006

how would you feel if your best friend was dating the person you still love? what would you do? is there even anything to be done?

and what if they knew they were hurting you? and kept on anyways? is that ever forgivable?

how would you get past it and move on? would things ever be the same again?

04:15:58 PM


Anonymous said...

This all of course has to do with their motivation.

Are they in love with the person or do they want to hurt you?

Does the person you love really like them or were you two converging on something special and your friend reached down and snatched them away?

If it's the first two, you need to get over yourself.

If it's the second two, you probably need a new (hell maybe even a few!) friends.

thewordofrashi said...

Generally speaking, the friend probably should have asked you first, regardless of their actual motivation. It's just common courtesy.

That said, I largely agree with the above poster.

Anonymous said...

if you're just being like this
because the fact that she
is with him,

then please, get over it.

but if you really do
want to be with him,
talk to her.
express your feelings.

Anonymous said...

This might happen to me soon.....