Sunday, August 27, 2006

If he doesn't want to be with me, then I'll do everything in my power to make his life happy and comfortable without him ever knowing it was me.

09:52:23 PM


Anonymous said...

That's both admirable and heartachemaking.

I empathize.

Anonymous said...

thats what i told myself to do too.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Sweet sentiment, but also absolutely ridiculous. You have absolutely no reason to believe you could possible have so much influence on him that you could make him happy. He is the only person who can do that. I'm sorry if you think this is harsh, but it's absolutely amazing how many people think it's their job to make somebody happy, when they truly have no such power, and can never expect to own such sway over another.

Just give it up before you hurt yourself more.

Anonymous said...

really quite odd usually goes the other way.

Anonymous said...

graffiti pastry be wrong yo, there be some girls who be like "mmmhh", theyb be making guys happy
know what i be sayin?