Monday, August 14, 2006

I followed tangst obsessively since it's inception. I loved it, and used every spare second to grab my lappy and check the site, feeling deep disapointment every time I saw that there was nothing new.

Over the summer, I went away for two-and-a-half months to another continent, returned and discovered that...


None of your heart-rending stories and poetry have power over me anymore.

So this is my farewell, dear friends. Oh, I may check in every so often, when I'm bored, but no longer shall I be a slave to the angst.

07:31:25 PM


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I'm not sure if this is a positive thing or negative. But congrats for moving on, I guess.

Anonymous said...

to me, tangst is like therapy. some days/weeks/months, i don't need it, other times its nice to stop in for a distraction or a place to ponder my thoughts.

like therapy, people can be healed; congrats for moving on!

Anonymous said...

yea i know what you mean, after a while you just dont care about peoples troubles because once ones gone theres always another.

TintedFragipan said...

I've never thought of tangst as anything more than amusement? I've never used it for therapy?

Anonymous said...

tangst can be bad, it's like an addiction, i waste lots of time on it, maybe not as much time as i do on facebook, but kudos for u for giving it up

i'm sure u'll enjoy ur extra free time

of course if u really did give up tangst, then u'll never read this

thewordofrashi said...

See you later, alligator.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Ah, so another leaves the flock. Farewell my brother or sister, whoever you may be. For we shall never know, such is the word of Tangst.

Let it warm your heart that while your presence leaves, perhaps eternally, from these hallowed pages, you shall live-on in one sense or another.

But yeah, Tangst is basically a passing amusement. For me, at least. For those of you who get something more out of it... Keep it alive.

Anonymous said...

Slavery's unsavoury anyway-very.

Queen Sekaf said...

I'm with Tinted? I'm just on here because I like broadcasting my opinions.

PChis said...

wait wait...tinted and I agree?!

OP, good job on losing the addiction.

Anonymous said...

well i find myself having the same issue. i'm not sure whether I like it or not .

Anonymous said...

I don't know any of you but I like having Tangst here to come back to for a good read or distraction from life or school. I may not be here all the time, but it's a good place to have around. Thanks.