Monday, August 28, 2006


would you still go after a girl that you liked if she didn't call you back and not want to hangout with you?

03:56:06 PM


Anonymous said...

^ That's a really obnoxious way to play hard to get.

My response is: Hell No.

If she shows that much disinterest, I'd consider her a bitch and move on.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Er... I wouldn't consider her a bitch, she isn't obligated to call you back... but I would certainly assume that she wasn't interested.

I mean, c'mon... if she doesn't call you back? Take a hint.

PChis said...

Okay, not calling back is one thing (maybe a few times, especially if you don't leave a message)...but not wanting to hang out...why would I want to date her?

Anonymous said...

Yes, but not showing common courtesy does.

Anonymous said...

well not wanting to hang out like " I dont want to hang out with you" or not wanting to hang out like "i dont want to go out right now" if its the second one then perhaps she was just tired or something when you called her.