Friday, August 25, 2006

MOTION CITY SOUNDTRACK is the most talented group of men I have ever encountered...

08:22:00 PM


Graffiti Pastry said...

Guess you haven't encountered much then ^_^

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to graffiti. Generally speaking, he doesn't listen to what we might call modern music.

I can't said that MCS is my favorite band, but they're certainly not bad.

Anonymous said...

the problem with modern music is theres just so much that i never really have time to listen to any song twice.

Anonymous said...

If I hear that "Tell me that you're alright" song again I will shoot someone in the face.

Graffiti Pastry said...

What's wrong with liking emo music? If it's good... or if you enjoy it, not necessarily if it's good, then go for it.

Fuck people who criticise someone for liking a kind of music that doesn't fit their tastes.

^Not to be confused with analytical criticism of the music itself.