Monday, January 15, 2007

I'm angry, but I don't know who to direct it to: my friends or myself.
On one hand, I feel jipped because no one has given me any feedback whatsoever for getting into college.
On the other, I feel like an idiot for expecting feedback when I know the vast majority of enloe students will end up going to college anyway.

05:19:11 PM


PChis said...


where are you going?

Anonymous said...

You should be proud of yourself, despite the lack of feedback. Why do you need their confirmation? You've accomplished the mission of the past 4 years of your life. I offer you my utmost congratulations.

Anonymous said...

op: ^thanks, you're right. I don't need the confirmation of others.

pchis: UNC-G

Queen Sekaf said...

UNCG is a good school. You feel proud of yourself for getting in. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

UNC-G is a good school, but some people at Enloe are rather stuck up. There are some who think that their own feces are worth more than an education at similar places like, UNC-Pembrook, Asheville, or God forbid, ECU!!!!

sithgirl said...

UNC-G is a great school.

But I must admit it: I'm biased. I'm going there.

Their honors program is amazing, and honestly, I think it's better than Chapel Hill's. There are a lot more benefits and the honors kids seem like a community, rather than a disparate group of loose connections.

I can't wait for orientation and classes.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, seriously!

PChis said...

^And a lot more expensive...

With a lot less to do.