Saturday, January 27, 2007

I shoplift.

05:50:19 PM


龙年 said...

Maybe I'll see you in Teen Court.

In all seriousness, shoplifting is dumb to do. If/when you get caught, you look like an idiot. If/when you get caught, it'll weigh on your record (which can bar you from admission into college). If/when you get caught, it's a hassle, and a waste of time for all involved.

Find something better to do with your time. Something that won't risk losing your parents' trust. Something that won't jeopardize your future.

Anonymous said...

i steal from my work but not from other stores, its just to easy to get caught.

Anonymous said...

When you do it...why? What are your reasons, and how "good" are they?

(and yes, I'm seriously asking, and not just some rhetorical question)

Anonymous said...

I do it when I'm supposed to buy a present for someone, and I don't have any money. I do have a job, but I use that money to pay for gas. I don't shoplift for myself.
I don't think about it when I do it, but afterwards I feel bad.
?? is right. I need to stop.

Anonymous said...

Robin Hood was romanticized.

Be smart.

Queen Sekaf said...

Me and Tinted both steal books that people leave around school if that makes you feel better.
If anyone lost a copy of the stranger in the foreign language hall, I'm really sorry...
If anyone lost any other book, Tinted is not sorry.