Sunday, May 13, 2007

So...HPV vaccine. What do you guys think?

12:04:00 AM


Anonymous said...

Already got it. I mean, seriously, there is no good reason NOT to get it. Why wouldn't you want to reduce your risk of cervical cancer? Perhaps I'm not having sex now but the vaccine lasts for 20-ish years.
Guardacil ftw.

Queen Sekaf said...

I'm getting it over the summer.
Pretty much a good idea for any girl going to college.

Anonymous said...

I got it, although I don't plan on having sex for a couple years yet.

it didn't even hurt much- at least, not nearly as much as the tetanus or flu shots.

Hannah said...


Anonymous said...

get it.
Even if you don't plan on having sex now. Or until you're married. Or ever.
If you get sexually assaulted by a guy with genital warts, you'll wish you had it.

Swales said...

QS, HPV vaccine didn't hurt as much as teatnus? I got both, and I gotta say, I didn't even feel teatnus but HPV was a heckuva beesting. But like my doctor kept telling me, it hurts less than cervical cancer.

Anonymous said...

That's odd, Swalest. It was completly the opposite for me: the tetanus shot rendered my left arm useless for a day and a half while the HPV shots were just little bumps on my arm

Anonymous said...

I just got it. It's a little achy.

Anonymous said...

Tetanus (the shot, not the disease) gave me a three-day fever last time I got it.
Flu I never feel during the shot, but it aches for days after.
Guardasil hurt during injection but only ached for a few hours.
Not too bad.

Anonymous said...

yeah so even though i am not female, I got the Gardasil. I took part in the research study/clinical investigation of the drug, looking at side effects and such. Didn't hurt much, only tender at injection site for an hour or so.

And plus, despite not having a cervix and therefore lacking a risk for cervical cancer, I am now unable to act as a carrier for HPV.


*and to anon above, Gardasil is the first ever vaccine proven to be more than 95% effective against any sexually transmitted disease. The makers are using the delivery system of Gardasil to investigate a vaccine for AIDS, and even looking to revolutionize cancer treatment. So it most definitely works.*

Anonymous said...

hpv doesn't hurt at all, go ahead and get it. tetanus makes your arm sore, but hpv was easy peasy.