Saturday, May 19, 2007

My parents are perfectly capable of paying for the entirety of my colege with no loans.

My parents have decided they are not paying for my college. At all.

They did it because I started skipping the class that gave me panic attacks.

When I was younger father told me I was faking them, even as I tried to explain why he frightened me so. He ignored me and it was "for my own good."

Now as he denies me this, possibly the most important thing I've ever needed in my whole life, I feel like nothing they've ever done for me in life could've possibly been "for my own good."

This will set me behind years financially, this has set me back a lifetime emotionally... As my mother cries and tells me what a dissappointing daughter I am, and how much they loved me when I was younger before I ruined it all...

I wasn't the one "faking it."

02:57:00 PM


TintedFragipan said...

I know you're upset, but you're being unfair to your parents. Skipping a class because it gives you panic attacks is NOT the right way to do things. You share some of the blame here.

Anonymous said...

may I ask which class? it's okay if you don't want to tell.

Anonymous said...

Tinted, you are being a douche again.

However, if a class is giving you panic attacks (can you tell us which one?), then you do definitely have other issues that you definitely need to address. Perhaps if you show your parents that you are capable of taking on some responsibility and showing them that you are not doing this for attention, they will change their minds.

Anonymous said...

No Tinted, you are being a douche. You just doubled the douchebaggary with the second comment.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Tinted; the parents are not the only/major issue here.

Queen Sekaf said...

tinted is correct, as usual

PChis said...

If you truly have panic attacks, then I doubt avoiding the things that give them to you is going to help you in the long run.

A diagnosis by an expert is in order perhaps?

PChis said...

Then again cutting college funding completely is a little ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

It's a level four language class with a teacher who despises me for not living up to my fullest potential, despite the fact that it's the last two weeks of Senior year and the class is virtually over. I've spent most of my free time trying to pass a math class I need to graduate rather than kissing ass in a class that isn't even going to count towards language credit at my college. I test out of all the courses in this language at the small college that I'll be attending. I'm not even going to fail the class for the year, even if I never showed up again.

And even if its not the best way to cope with it, I haven't exactly got the time to work through the issue. Nine days is not enough to deal with it.

Apperantly, though three days of missed class is enough to condemn me for the rest of my school career in my parents eyes and in the eyes of everyone here.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be working my way through college. I busted my ass to get scholarships, to get a job, to pay for food, clothes and to help support my own household though out high school. I'm the second person in my family to even complete high school much less make it into college. Its true your parents are being unreasonable but maybe you should just be thankful for what you do have. honestly I doubt your side of the story is completely true.

TintedFragipan said...

Yeah, for the record, my parents aren't paying for my college either.

Anonymous said...

I feel like you have evaluated the situation incorrectly or your parents are perceiving your actions much differently that what you've done.

If they still don't want to pay for your college... Get a job, you can do it.

My parents aren't paying for my college either.

Anonymous said...

are you asian?

Anonymous said...

Tinted is being reasonable. But he's still completely wrong. Panic attacks are a lot stronger than the average dickhead like Tinted believes. I'm sorry about your parents.