The people here are so judgemental that I don't want to tell my secrets anymore.
06:40:00 PM
Post anything that you want - a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Post twice if you'd like. And then share the site with your friends.
If you're not judgemental, you'll be missed by the ones whose numbers you reduce.
You must be a wuss.
it's anonymous... If you self esteem is hurt by comments of people whom you don't know, that aren't directly about you...
You must be a wuss.
Who cares if it isn't "directly about you," you made the comment and if people respond to it negatively, you might feel bad considering you're not a robot.
OP, this place isn't worth your secrets.
Tinted, you're pathetic, picking on people ONLINE. Psh.
correct me if im wrong, but I think Tinted was being a little sarcastic. I mean come on, he's just trying to piss you off by immediately making a judgement on a person complaining about being judged.
I thought it was funny, apparently no one else got it.
Dude. Anon3. Just because something is anonymous does not mean that it's not hurtful. Grow up; we all prefer sticks and stones to anonymous wordstabs.
I'm with you, OP.
I agree with OP
agreed; however, what teenager isn't? beacause after all this is teen angst.
and the OP itself is being judgmental because they are judging everyone else on tangst.
everyone brings in their own experiences and their own lives into what they comment. and its actually what they think because its anonymous. so if you cannot handle that then go to some real life support group where they will all pity you and pretend to care.
^how do know that nobody cares? you don't.
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