Thursday, January 04, 2007

every school project is like a small death, with the denial, anger and finally acceptance stages. I really Do hate them.

01:46:51 AM


Anonymous said...

yeaa. so true. and thats also essays.

Anonymous said...

C&C angst?

Swales said...

You know, that really is true. The stages of grief fit almost perfectly. (I don't remember them perfectly, though...)

Shock: How... how... what... how can she assign a paper so freaking long?

Denial: It's not due for weeks, I don't have to start on the project. I'll have plenty of time.

Anger: Gaaaa! I hate this teacher and this class and this school and this life and everything!

Bargaining: Okay, okay, I'll write two pages and find a shoebox for the diorama, then I can play Xbox for an hour, then I'll come back to work. That fair?

Grief: Why. Why did I not start sooner. Oh, my life is a never-ending pit of darkness and deadlines! WHY, GOD, WHY?

Acceptance:'s two a.m. the morning before the paper's due... I might wanna, y'know, actually start this thing now.