Friday, November 24, 2006

Everyone is always bitching to me about their problems. They always tell me that I give such great advice for their burgeoning love lives, etc. (which is ironic considering the extent of mine, but whatever)

Then I end up telling people. Then people get mad at me.

Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone.

These are dumb high school romance secrets. Most of what I say isn't even current anymore. Why the hell does it matter to these people?

Urgh. I realize the way I word this here, I look like the bad guy. And maybe I am. But sometimes I just want to strangle these people when they make mountains out of molehills.

07:31:45 PM


Anonymous said...

You don't look like the bad guy; you look like me. People tell you so many secrets, all you want to do is go outside and scream them, but you don't, because you're nice. It's always good to see someone like that. Everyone wants a kind friend, someone who will always listen without consequence, without judgement. If that's not a place you're happy with, move on, but I will miss the company. Maybe I'm relating this too much to myself, but I hope I read you right.

Anonymous said...

"I end up telling people."

You are a bad guy. These people come to you to share their secrets, and then you tell other people.

I wonder how many real friends you have. And how many people actually consider you a friend.

Anonymous said...

i know exactly what you mean. sometimes you're the go-to person when it comes to your friends.... and the part about the lovelive (considering the extent of MINE)... i know EXACTLY what you meant.

i don't think you're the bad guy at all... i think you're just frustrated. tell your friends how you feel. if you don't at least get it out there in the open, how will they know? don't assume that people know. don't assume. ever.

you sound like a caring friend... but maybe anon1 was right in saying that sometimes you just need to move on from that place if you've been stuck there for too long.

Anonymous said...

eh... i don't tell people but the secrets end up killing me inside. sad way to die. eh?

Anonymous said...

Anon 4, I'm just like you. I mean, it's not quite tactful to tell someone to shut up when they're pouring out their heart, but I really can't take any more secrets sometimes. The suicidal brother or the crackwhore mother or the eating disorder or the six pills you take every morning even though they make you feel awful. Sometimes after knowing too many secrets, I feel like I need to pull an OP and spit them all out, just so I can keep a shred of sanity to myself.

PChis said...

Eh, I can understand the whole it's difficult not to share secrets, but don't try rationalizing it by saying they aren't important. High school romances may be dumb to us when all is said and done, but that's a realization after the fact.

Right now they are very real (which maybe makes sense as we're in high school).