Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I hate pot. I think it's stupid, and I think anyone who uses it is stupid too. But I can't express that opinion, because as a Democrat student at a liberal arts college, it's about the most non-politically correct thing I could say. It's very frustrating.

10:07:00 PM


Anonymous said...

So you think that expressing the belief that the use of a drug that fucks up your brain and is consequently illegal is not politically correct?

Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

yea for sure. my brother started smoking pot. I hate pot because its messing him up.

Anonymous said...

Good job for having the guts to state your opinion, at least here. I'm serious. Don't let other people dictate how you think unless you think they have a point. I think pot is stupid, too.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

I just realize that my comment doesn't really make sense. It should read:

So you think that expressing the belief that the use of a drug that fucks up your brain and is consequently illegal is bad for you is not politically correct?

Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

I smoke pot and I hate people who whine about it. If you don't like it then don't do it.

Anonymous said...

I hate people who hate people who whine about it. If you don't like to be whined at then don't do it.

Anonymous said...

To anaon6 who hates people who whine: unfortunately, pot use doesn't always affect just the person who smokes it. it's like saying if you don't like robbery then don't steal. obviously not as clear-cut, but since pot use can screw up relationships between people (like in anon 2's case), i think other people have a right to complain.

PChis said...

Everything should be used responsibly.

Pot, condoms, guns, electrical circuits, doors, and just about everything else in this world can hurt us in some way or another.

Now while heroine might be a little tricky to "use responsibly" depending on your definition, I feel pot is fairly easy to.

Aside from possible legal consequences I personally think it's rather boring, I don't really like the smell, and inhaling burning things into my throat has never really been a passion of mine, and I'm sorry you, OP, feel oppressed by the large majority around you, but you're going to have to learn how to deal with people around you doing it (you don't have to do it), deal with not being with those people, or remain quite frustrated.

I would stay away from people who use it irresponsibly, at least while they're doing so, just as I would stay away from people using guns and electrical circuits incorrectly, but I would say do yourself a favor and try to be a little more open-minded; doing it may be stupid, but that by no means means that the people doing it are stupid.

Matthew said...

Re PChis: um, no

thewordofrashi said...

Anon8, I love you.

Anonymous said...

Speak your mind, be yourself, and find out who your true friends are. No use wasting your time on the non-true non-friends.

Anonymous said...

Whatever their politics, you're hanging with a bunch of losers. Find some new friends. There must be some Democrats who don't smoke pot??? You won't find better friends if you hang with losers.

Anonymous said...

im at a very conservative college but i remain quite liberal , stand up for your opinions but dont try to press them on others.