Saturday, September 15, 2007

Aaah. Stress stress stress.

I'm extremely nervous about an in-class essay test for APUSH tomorrow. It's been a tiring week for me in particular, and I've always had a bit of an issue with timed writings. (I'm always the last person in the class to finish a test or an essay and I often end up scrambling to finish after the bell has rung to mark the end of the period.)


At least writing about it helps. A little.

9/13/2007 10:58:00 PM


Anonymous said...

It's over now, and it wasn't as terrible as I expected. I don't even normally post about this kind of thing, but I was way overstressed and didn't want to whine to anyone with a face about it.

Anonymous said...

w00t, APUSH represent!

Anonymous said...

You'll get better at writing essays with practice. No worries.

Matthew said...


that's not necessarily true. I struggled with tests and timed writings all throughout high school, and I still do in college.

Timed assignments are a fact of life. You and I, although still intelligent, don't work as well in that situation. Teachers are generally lenient as long as you explain, but expect to lose points because of your length or completeness in some situations (especially AP tests).