Monday, September 10, 2007

College is fucking amazing.

A word to the wise my pretties, take AP Chem your senior year. Much more useful in college than Physics.

Sigh... This is the first time I've been on here in about a year.

You poor things.

I'm off to go to parties, join "real" clubs, hit hookah bars, not have parents, go to class at 12:30, live in a place more aesthetic than your local park, and forge the rest of my life in a place offering the most opportunities one will ever find in one place.

Sigh. High School is a joke.

11:31:00 PM


Anonymous said...

i'm happy for you that you like college, but how would it be if you had been thrust into college straight out of middle school? to those in high school, it is a huge part of our lives, and while we certainly look to find fault in the whole system, it is by no means a joke.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you. "Hookah bars", though? I don't envy you that.

Swales said...

I agree that college is pretty cool, but I wouldn't trade my high school years for anything. They were cool in their own way.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, good luck realizing all this was for nothing when you become a corporate whore and work a desk job in some lifeless office building. :D

Anonymous said...

Senioritis just got a shade closer.
170 days to go, '08.

Anonymous said...

i assume your pompus attitude was on purpose, but hey, high school got you there. and im sure college is "the shit" but hell im sure you weren't like "god this blows" your entire high school career.

Anonymous said...

i get annoyed when people act like they are so over their former selves
i mean.. seriously.. enjoy your time .. but seriously just because college is great doesn't mean that high school in general is a joke. you were just there.

and really maturity is not acting so over high school. that annoys me about my new college friends..