Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My mom randomly came up to me today and asked if I wanted a therapist. I'm kind of surprised and I asked "why?" To get along better with her and her 'boyfriend" and deal with "stress" and finding out what I want to do. Great. So we pay this person to listen as I babble about school, boys, friends, my future?! It's a complete stranger! But, secretly, I'm kind of intrigued...

10:18:17 PM


TintedFragipan said...

I don't like the "being insane" stigma, but I like talking to people about myself .__.

it comes from being an egomaniac?

Anonymous said...


actually i've always wondered what its like to have a therapist too...

Anonymous said...

Shoot, if you're parents are paying for it, why not? Go nuts, that's my advice!....I mean...well...you get it.

Anonymous said...

haha dude you should get that therapist and like make up a bunch of impossible problems and make her job impossible..

Anonymous said...

Anon3, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
-Original poster

Anonymous said...

Do they have reserved car parking spaces for non-disabled people at the special olympics?

PChis said...

^^How does that even make sense.

Anonymous said...

your kinda describing tangst you know
but watch out you can spell therapist without The Rapist.

Anonymous said...

can't, that supposed to read can't

Anonymous said...

if i had a therapist, i wouldn't tell them anything important because i'd be afraid that they'd tell my parents. so it would be a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

6actually, there are laws of confidentiality that forbid a therapist from telling anyone anything about what you tell them.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Yeah, as tinted said, this stigma about being crazy so you go to a therapist is crap. In truth, everyone would do well to speak with a psychologist (stay away from psychiatrists... they like to give you medication instead of talking). It's just very good to speak with someone you have no prior emotional connection with. Very freeing, and coincidentally.... therapeutic.