Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I don't think I like him. I know I don't like that girl who keeps trying to pay me to break up with him (she's a psyco, no joke. I think she might kill me). Today he said I owed him a kiss. The idea of kissing him grosses me out. Why am I dating him at all? Because it gives me something to do? Maybe I should just take the $50 dollars she offered me. No, I could never do that. He said he loved me today too. Rather, he wrote it. That creeped me out, yet I still can't stop thinking about it. I'm losing sleep over him. Every love song I hear on the radio makes me think about him. We call each other 3 times a day, at least and we talk for hours. How is it possible he can be so wonderful and so completely not my type all at once? If this is a lie, I guess I'll keep on living it. At least I'll stay entertained.

01:00:53 AM


PChis said...

well, if you decide to break up with him, please don't take the fifty dollars. I know it'd be fairly pragmatic, but there's something to be said for dignity.

Anonymous said...

yea dont take the fifty dollars . I mean its just immoral you should hold out for atleast 100$ or depending on how desparete she is you could maybe milk out more.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Hell, why don't you just go for a cool thousand while we're at it?

I, of course, am being facetious.

Do what makes you happy in this case. Erm... except taking advantage of people.

Anonymous said...

I'd never except the money. He's on of my best friends.

Anonymous said...


Graffiti Pastry said...

While you're editing your previous post, it's "accept" not "except"


Anonymous said...

If you don't want him to tell you that he loves you, tell him that. High school relationships are not necessarily meant for "true love", especially if you've just started going out. And the kissing him grosses you out thing- that's not a good sign in a relationship. Have you considered that you might be better as best friends? If you decide that something like this is indeed the case, tell him sooner rather than later. While it may be just "something to do" for you, it sounds like it means more to him, and as good a friend as you are, you don't want to hurt him.

Anonymous said...

I've dicided that I'm an idiot and I really do want to be with him. I need to stop kidding myself and give him the respect he deserves. He's amazing. Thanks guys.