Wednesday, May 31, 2006

i think i might have ADD.

i can never pay attention in class. I'm physically there but my mind always seems to be somewhere else.

what are some symptoms of ADD?

09:31:05 PM


Graffiti Pastry said...

Yeesh, so ready to diagnose yourself.

Usually it takes a psychiatrist to slap ADD on every person that walks in the door.

But hey, at least you won't have to pay a fee.

thewordofrashi said...

That's not ADD.

That's called freshman/sophomore/junior/senior-itis.

It's perfectly normal at this time of year.

Anonymous said...

well, one symptom is being a complete douche.

ah, you got that one covered. you MUST have add.

Anonymous said...

yea add and adhd are way over diagnosed today. Parents just want an excuse to calm down the kids that are hard to control. There may be a few cases off kids who dont learn as well as they could but the majority is just over diagnosing. and no not focusing on things is not a "lifestyle"

Anonymous said...

yea and thats not it

Anonymous said...

While I agree that ADD is over diagnosed, its also not something to be taken lightly. It is a real problem, and ADD causes a persons brain to function differently. It can be very difficult for perfectly smart people to do well in school because of it. It can also be very frusterating when it goes undiagnosed. While I understand that many parents are ready for an excuse to why their child isn't making straight A's, ADD is a real disorder. sd, to say that AD "isn't even a real problem" is very ignorant and rude to people who suffer from it. It also can become increasingly worse with age, many people who suffer from adult ADD have very severe social anxiety, organization, and focusing problems.

Anonymous said...

well when i was young they told me i had add and dyslexia. I had problems before but i learned to adjust i never took any meds and i never will. I agree that add is over diagnosed the one thing that really ticks me off is that kids use it as an excuse to be lazy and while there are a few cases where the laerning disability is real the vast majority are just active kids who are not simply interested in school.