Monday, May 29, 2006

Today I hung out with a good (male) friend of mine for about 7 hours. We've been friends for maybe 6 months, but we always hang out in groups. Today we just hung out with each other for no reason really, we just both needed something to do. He has a girlfriend who is a good friend of mine, but I'm afraid he's starting to be interested in me. We had so much fun today and I really want to keep hanging out with him outside of a group, but I'm afraid I'm going to break them up. They are a really good couple but I just have a bad feeling about it.

07:56:27 PM


Anonymous said...

hilarity when i first read this i thought you were a guy and he was gay. Im not sure why though. Odd huh. anyways just if he makes a move make it clear your just friends.

thewordofrashi said...

Haha. Going back and reading that again, I also thought the same thing.

The best way to fight this problem? Only see him in a group. I realize that that isn't the easiest choice, but look at it this way. Put in this position, you could face the possibility of losing both friends over something silly. Might also be good if you started showing interest in other guys while he's around you. He might think you're a bitch (I know I would), but he'll probably get the message.

Anonymous said...

yea i had a friend like that and he had a g/f and he kept asking to do things with me. I didnt like it at I told him that I didnt b/c he had a g/f etc even if he didn't try to pull anything on me. now its kinda weird/akward between us...

but then my brother the other day said that whenever a guy tries to be nice to a girl because she always takes it the wrong way like he's hitting on her or whatever.

but guys arent innocent. and when they go out of their way to be nice to you....i think they like you or whatever.

I say to still hangout with him to see where things go. talk to another close guy friend about him to see if he's doing friendly things...or extra friendly things and he might like you..

and make sure his g/f knows when you guys hangout and stuff. if he's not comfortable telling her about it...then there is something wrong.

its such a fine line.

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely ridiculous that everyone assumes a guy can't spend time with a woman unless he wants to get in her pants. Personally as a guy, most of my best friends are girls, and I'm lucky I didn't try and become friends with you because clearly you're uncomfortable being alone with a guy and not thinking about sex. Get some maturity, huh?

Anonymous said...

yea some people are paranoid.

like me.

Anonymous said...

wow i could relate to this sort of because i have a friend who i'm really close to, in the sense that we hang out a lot. now i feel that he seems to want to hang out a lot and is always asking to do stuff together. he has a g/f and they're a cute couple, but its sort of a long distance relationship. i dunno if he likes me, but im basically confused.

Anonymous said...

Anon3 -
I never assumed a guy couldn't spend time with a girl without wanting to get in her pants. Most of my friends are guys, and I feel completely comfortable with most of them, and I hang out with them one on one all the time. I'm also not immature, but I can tell when a guy's into me. I don't think I'm being paranoid, or flattering myself - he definitely acted differently towards me when we weren't in a group. I'm just not sure the best way to handle this situation, which is why I posted about it.

Anonymous said...

yea its def different with some guys.