Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Letter to the Editor

Dear "A Certain Newspaper Advisor:"

I am tired of your constant, bitterly-voiced reminders that you "only have X days left." I don't think a single day has gone by where you have not said that sentence to me in some form, normally when I'm asking you for your opinion (or, dare I say it, advice). I would like to point out that this is not valid counsel for any of my problems--let's just get that on the table right to begin with.

I am becoming annoyed with the lunchtime meetings in your room: you and a few other teachers sitting around and making smirky faux-superior comments about how administration is trying to suppress the good teachers. Here's a newsflash for you: my english teacher and my history teacher this year were better teachers than you were (I would daresay more intelligent, but that is much more subjective and debatable). And guess what? They have no problems with administration. If you have lame little jokes, make them where I can't hear; if you're as sophisticated and as intelligent as you think you are, don't debase yourself to the level of a petty highschooler in front of me. I might not agree with the way everything is done, but my god this is still my school and it's still a good school.

Finally, I am SICK of you comparing me with A Certain Editor-in-Chief. This is why I'm most glad you're leaving in X days. I hate the way you come in (sneering dirtily at one of your cronies' latest jokes about administration, no doubt) at the end of lunch, and while I am sitting at the computer working ask, "Did you get ANYTHING accomplished today?" No thanks. If I didn't care so much about the paper, and if it didn't mean so much to me personally (and if I didn't care so much about the aforementioned Editor-in-Chief) I would sabotage this issue. Not because you would be particularly hurt, I guess, but because it would be a very fitting fizzle to the end of your wet-blanket career. The symbolism would please me... the last tinny tinkle of your miserable Symphony of Whining. Give me a freaking break. I do things my own way, and it doesn't have to be his way. Go off and have your love affair with him; give him the article I want to write and make up a half-baked excuse as to why I didn't write it (you could have just told me the truth!); you can tell me I'm in charge this time and criticize everything I want to try a little differently to the point where I just say to myself "only x more days" and suck it up; for god's sake, just get off my back.

Let's see if we can go X days without talking to each other. That's fine with me.


Hannah said...


Anonymous said...

no! i love her! how awful of you.

PChis said...

whoa, let's just call down a tick

Anonymous said...

...Wow. I actually like her, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions. And she actually sounds a lot more annoying than what I've generally thought about her. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

oh no, she is completely annoying.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I believe you. I can see how she'd have the potential to be like that. I'm just not that annoyed by her, personally...I'm not that annoyed by most people, actually.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who cares?

Hannah said...

people that have to deal with it on a daily basis.