Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tintedfragipan reminds me of that prudish man who writes a column in the N&O on grammar mistakes in the media.

However, as one who will undoubtedly commit some sort of grammatical crime in the very near future (or who just did), I salute you.

Even now I feel myself spurred towards greater grammatic perfection by the thought of your acerbic satire directed at my feeble prose.

Grammarians of the world, I hope you are able to turn back the tide of modernity. Or atleast prevent it from washing away all the conventions of our language.

05:04:00 PM


Anonymous said...

Oh, shut up, Tinted.

PChis said...

While I think their corrections are annoying, and usually out of place and off topic, there is some value to learning how to not sound like an idiot.

Queen Sekaf said...

I love tinted that is all

Hannah said...

I love both tinted and the guy in the newspaper.

Also, I love grammar. :D

Anonymous said...

Grammar = &hearts

Anonymous said...

&hearts &hearts grammar.

TintedFragipan said...

Do I correct grammar on here often? Normally "I" vs "me" is the only thing that really gets me going, especially when "I" is gratuitously used. Maybe I do, though... I am sincerely asking.

In a related note, have I ever satirized any prose? Correcting grammar hardly counts as satire. Although it strictly fits the definiition (I guess), I normally think of satire as being witty--especially if it's 'acerbic'

Anyway, I think what I'm saying is that I have horrible grammar quite frequently, and you shouldn't take too seriously anything I may have said that offended you.