Did anyone (Juniors) see the presentation in the auditorium 8th period? If so, can you please tell me what fat men dancing has to do with selling senior pictures?
05:27:00 PM
Post anything that you want - a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Post twice if you'd like. And then share the site with your friends.
Did they have the Napoleon Dynamite clips this year? Those were the worst.
It's to taunt the students and staff for being tacit pawns in the school-products monopoly.
No, they had Dodgeball, Talledegga nights, snowboarding, and apparently america's funniest home videos (fat people falling down, ripping pants, people getting hurt in bike/ski accidents)with "this is why I'm hot" in the background.
In conclusion, this is why I was in Cameron Village eighth period instead of in the auditorium.
That video was the stupidest piece of propoganda I have seen in a long time. Simply put, they were trying to make it look like having our pictures taken is fun.
When was the last time you heardx anyone say, "I can't wait to get my picture taken tomorrow!!"?
That company simply wants our money. Period.
I'm thinking about not getting any senior portraits...
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