Tuesday, May 09, 2006

wow...i've just been reading some old posts, and damn! people can be mean in their comments.

i guess that's because they're anonymous and unafraid to be honest...?


10:00:56 PM


Anonymous said...

haha i think its great...sometimes its good to be mean, its like a reality check to some people who like to whine a lot.

Graffiti Pastry said...

anon5, I don't think being Jewish justifies that? Not that I think you were serious ;) but that was still an unnecessary addition. It's like the defense, "I'm not racist, I have like... 5 black friends!" Pretty weak. That aside... I doubt that in all cases they are being honest, in most instances, the "meanness" truly isn't aimed towards the OP, but is more a projection and vent of frustrations. Sort of what Tangst is supposed to be. So it comes full circle :D

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy cheese!! and nazi loving jew lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!