Saturday, May 06, 2006

Why don't guys shave their privates, the hair is absolutely a turn off?

07:41:04 PM


Anonymous said...

because it's kinda weird

and like, guys aren't entirely sure if they'll want it like that once it's like that...

and if u shave it u hafta keep shaving it and shvaing it otherwise the area gets really irritated....

but if u don't like it ur stuck on a neverending cycle of shaving

TintedFragipan said...

I too disagree.

Hairy guys > not hairy guys.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Guys without hair is sort of equal to a fetish for little boys. Aside from the fact that little boys cannot consent to... well, you get the idea. Hair is just a natural thing. Yep.

Anonymous said...

Until it's shaved, body hair is generally soft and fine. I like by guy fuzzy down there. It makes him warm and cuddly.

Anonymous said...

same thing can be said for girls without hair, graffiti. it should be done per personal preference. if it makes you uncomfortable, don't shave it.

Anonymous said...

because it itches and with guys theres alot morenooks and crannys to itch. seriously if you shave then let it grow its like youve got crabs. Somehow i know what both those are like.

Anonymous said...

there is no style, there is only mind.

PChis said...

a cut on the face while shaving isn't a very pleasant thing. I don't think having onf of those on my scrotum would be very fun.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how they've turned the tables. Women I mean.

Men have spent nearly the whole of recorded history telling women how to dress to please us while we've worn pretty much whatever we've wanted (which was invariably more comfortable that a corset or high heels). Nowadays women have tricked men into all sorts of crap, from moisturizing to shaving our very shrines of manhood. When will it end?! I predict that the downfall of the human race won't come from global warming or a nuclear war, a thousand years from now we'll all be so damn busy tottering around in stilts and purple grease paint just to get laid that we'll foget to form organized governments or grow food.

PChis said...

^^it reminds me of the hot debate that arose in the 60s (50s maybe...70s...who knows) when action figures first came out about how they were selling dolls to boys.

It reall is just all about the businesses making money.

We need to get j-crew and american eagle to start really selling overalls cause I think it'd be pretty humorous if they were the in thing.

Swales said...

Hey, hey, anonymous 6, be careful about making generalizations. I don't tell my guy how to dress or what to do to make himself pretty. He gives me the same courtesy. Not all women are trying to trick men into uncomfortable beauty habits to get back at your gender for centuries of corsets, high heels, and eyebrow plucking.

If you ask me, the fashion revolution should be the other way around: Women, go buy some pants from the men's department and revel in the comfort! Men, learn to find beauty in the face unmarred by makeup! Everybody, learn to accept the body as it comes instead of constantly making amendments!


Anonymous said...

hmm.. assuming the op is a girl... the idea of a well.. mowed lawn kinda turns me on

Anonymous said...

Don't you think trimming is a happy compromise for both genders? The area is taken care of, but it is not a jungle.

TintedFragipan said...

Je suis... un garcon.

J'aime tendre... les gazons.

Anonymous said...

trimming's just as uncomfortable as completely shaving... it leaves the hair long and pointy...

i should know...

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the pubic hair, what really grosses me out though is male ARMPIT HAIR! AH! like you see a pretty boy with no shirt on and all of a sudden he raises his arms...and its over.

TintedFragipan said...

^gross. Armpit hair is fantastic. FANTASTIC.

Oh god, I love armpit hair.

Anonymous said...

I like guys to trim. No one likes pubes stuck in their teeth, myself included.

As for me, I leave a landing strip. For my own personal comfort more than anything.

Anonymous said...

eww armpit hair is totally nasty. people need to trim/shave their pubic hair, because that hair traps particles and its just nasty. eww.

Anonymous said...

^ Dude, if you wash it, the problem of particle trapping becomes obselete.

Graffiti Pastry said...

*cough* you trap... particles? Nasty. Yeah, as previous... bathe on a regular basis. This hair thing has gotten very popular...

Anonymous said...

some of us do shave to be nice. And it is nice but very irratating when it grows back so it's best just to trim. I little hair never hurt no body.

Anonymous said...

ok well duh you bathe daily, but im saying when ur gonna you keeps more particles than no hair. its just more hygienic to have no bush.

Anonymous said...

It's also more hygienic to be bald....

Anonymous said...

humans will eventually evolve enough to get rid of body hair. we don't really need it anymore, since we have clothes and climate control and all.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Do you believe what you just said?

Anonymous said...

well armpit hair isnt for warmth any way. i mean thats one of the warmest places of the human body its for the spreading of pheromones in sweat.

Anonymous said...

I doubt humans will evolve to get rid of body hair. We still have tailbones don't we? The reason organisms evolve is because the organism with the desirable trait LIVES LONGER than the organism without it. Humans will not drop unneccesary/undesirable traits UNLESS it causes them to be more likely to die than the humans who don't have them. Thanks to climate control and clothing and all that, the amount of body hair on a person has no effect on their survival rate. With that said, I believe there will still be humans with as much stomach hair as TintedFragipan for thousands of years to come. :)

Anonymous said...

Humans lost all of our primate hair because living in Africa (cradle of civilization and all that) made it most important to be able to dissipate heat. The people who could cool off faster and not die running in the jungle or desert lived longer (and more importantly had more kids). As a result we're more efficient than almost any other animal at cooling off when we need to.

Hair was kept in some places for utility (eyebrows keeping water out of your eyes), specialized warmth in your most evolutionarily important areas (ie your brain and gentitals), and for spreading pheremones (armpit hair).

I even have an interesting theory about why pube hair is different from the hair on your head (I know...stupid...but bear with me here). Notice when you get out of the shower how your pubes dry so much faster than the hair on your head? It's not even worth drying off down there really, becasue it's usually puffy again and holding warmth to your body in seconds. Our oldentimes hunter gatherer selves would have to cross streams and things all the time in prehistory so it would be important for genital hair to dry out quickly and do it's job of keeping our private bits warm and non-frost bitten. Head hair on the other hand would stay out the water and wouldn't need to be coarse and curly like the-hair-down-there.

Anonymous said...

^ Wow... that's a cool theory. Like, seriously. I hadn't thought about it that way.