Saturday, May 06, 2006

When your significant other is willing to go out of his/her way for you...(i.e. go to your house late at night to make you feel better when you're upset--even though his/her parents told him/her not to--bring you food when you're hungry, leave you nice messages on your cell phone, stop whatever he/she is doing to be with you...etc)...even when he/she knows he/she "doesn't have to" he/she just wants to...

(Damn, that is a lot of he/she's and him/her's...oh well. You'll get over it. Just use the substitution property.)

That's love.

09:09:28 PM


Anonymous said...

i have a friend like that, so much of a friend, he's like family, he's a brother to me.

Anonymous said...

theres a fine line between being caring and being whipped.

Anonymous said...

maybe this is like one of those things that when don't have it, you want it..but when you do have it, you realize that it isn't really that wonderful after all and it gets annoying?
haha or maybe thats just me

Anonymous said...

Word, anonymous three. You can totally have too much of a good thing.

Anonymous said...

there is also a fine line between actually being in love and just "fucking". maybe you should realize that, anonymous number 2...just because someone does something nice, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are whipped.