Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tomorrow, I travel to West Virginia on a USY convention. My parents met at a USY dance, and something very similar to this. They met, they dated for several years, all through the latter years of high school and all through college, despite the fact that they were in different states. Then, they got married and had me.

Do you have any idea what kind of pressure I find myself under. They haven't said anything, but I know they're thinking it. Quite frankly, there are not very many Jewish girls in NC. I mean, there seem to be quite a few freshmen, but I don't ever see them, because they are in the much more inferior BBYO, and most of them are only titular Jews anyway.

Argh. Sorry if that didn't make sense. I was just ranting.

I do hope I find someone though. I have already been told that someone saw a picture of me and said that I didn't look too bad (perhaps they were either on drugs or saw a really good picture?). Ah, but just wait until I open my mouth. I am the epitome of loser. Hardcore Torah reader? President of Latin Club? Effing member of FPS? Maybe I should just not talk at all.

Once again, my apologies if this makes no sense. I just needed to vent a bit.


Anonymous said...

what's wrong with Latin? Latin is awesome!

And if she's Jewish than the Torah should be a plus, ne?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think Torah reading it a plus. That's a pretty cool thing, there. Especially if you chant it.

Then again, I also qualify for the title Loser; I'm not sure my opinions count for much.

Anonymous said...

IMHO you should date other girls around here, even if they aren't jewish. It's the only way to learn about relationships.

Anonymous said...

Rashi, you shouldn't be too worried. All those nerdy things you listed just mean that you're smart and care about things - a girl would have to be stupid not to like that in a guy. Also, everything you say on this site always seems really sincere and thoughtful. Even if you don't find your soulmate at this Jewish convention, I'm sure you will at some point. We aren't friends in real life (though I know who you are), but you have always struck me as a decent and intelligent guy.

sithgirl said...

Yeah, I'd leave off FPS.


Anonymous said...

I also foresee you having very little trouble finding someone to raise a family with.

Anonymous said...

Why the heck do you have to marry a Jewish woman? In my opinion that's even worse than judging based on the color of your skin. It should be about the person themself, not where they hang out Saturday morning.

Here you go, what if you met your soul mate who you would gladly spend the rest of your life with and then figured out a week later she wasn't really Jewish? Would you let that slip by over some miniscule theological differences?

Anonymous said...

I'm not even a Jewish girl, and I think that being able to read the Torah is sexy. Imagine how much more turned on I would be if I were Jewish.

Anonymous said...

:( aww but you have me, dear! is it okay that i'm not jewish?

besides, you have plenty of desirable qualities. just because your interests fit whatever stereotypical 'nerd' interests people think of doesn't mean you can't be a ladies' man.

Dr.A said...


We rock, whatever.