Wednesday, May 03, 2006

See... there's this girl... well... two girls.. and I wouldn't mind dating either of them, which sounds so indifferent but it's not that way. Okay, hold on, there are three girls actually... I would love to date one of them, certainly not all three at once. That would be madness. Anyhow... What I'm trying to say is.. uh.. yeesh, what do I do? This is all very confusing, and I guess sort of a pointless thing to post. Um... three.. one of them's gotta say yes, right? I mean, the odds are in my favor? Yes? No? I mean, assuming that I'm not some big hairy beastly thing that eats children with taco shells...

06:27:50 PM


thewordofrashi said...

You could try asking each of them out in succession, just make sure that they don't know about it. No one likes to be second best.

PChis said...

well, you could just wait for a month or so until you slowly decide which one would be best and then ask her and have the yes no odds of one person...

or you could go with rashi's plan and have the yes no odds of three people.

Your choice, sir.

Anonymous said...

Probably at least one of them will say yes...just please make sure that you actually like them before you ask them out. Because I'm a girl and I know that I wouldn't want to be asked out by someone who didn't really like me that much in the first place...

Hannah said...

Rand Al'Thor would go with all three.

But he's the Dragon Reborn, so that's probably kind of different. :D

*has, once again, failed to offer any useful advice*

Anonymous said...

I would strongly advise you to pick one at a time, preferably many months apart. Girls communicate exponentially more than we do. Your chances of them not finding about each other is nil. And if they find out that they are second best, you're screwed.

Anonymous said...

figure out which one you like the most and would want to be in a relationship with the most, then ask her to go do something. not "go out" like going steady or anything, just hang out sometime. if you both have fun, and you still want to be in a relationship with her, do it again and maybe see what she thinks about making it something more. if it turns out to be lame, wait a few weeks and do something with one of the other girls. keep it low key, and just see what happens. it'll work out better that way.

Anonymous said...

"Rand Al'Thor would go with all three."


Best advice I've heard all day. Start acting mentally unstable and "complex", get some wicked arm tattoos and you're in!

Anonymous said...

you still don't sound too ready to have any of them as a girlfriend, i mean... the fact that you're so fickle means you're not commitable right now. can't you just hang out and flirt with all of them? that's more fun anyway

Hannah said...

You forgot the part about acquring multiple personalities.

"Ilyena! My love! Forgive me! What I did was in madness!"

Swales said...

Why not date all three? Hey, you might become the star of a hit HBO television series!

Anonymous said...

Wow...just the way in which you wrote it makes it sound like one of my friends, but I seriously doubt that he frequents tangst. He seems to be a relatively non-angsty person...of course, so am I, for the most part.

Honestly, though...maybe you should try to figure out which one you like the best. Sort of like commenter #6 said, maybe?