Thursday, May 11, 2006

Is there anyway to get rid of a period short of surgery, getting pregnant, or getting old?

11:37:34 PM


Anonymous said...

Well first you need a sharp salad fork and some disinfectant....

Anonymous said...

ewww anon1

Anonymous said...

If you lose enough body fat, your body fat percentage drops low enough that you lose your period. It's common among anorexics and those whose professions require them to be thin, such as mdodels and dancers. The lack of period is even a source of pride among some of them.

thewordofrashi said...

Though I do not pretend to be an expert, I believe going on birth control works pretty well.

Anonymous said...

^normal bc pills won't do that. There is a pill however, that reduces the amount of periods you have to 4 a year.

Anonymous said...

You only have to take Depro-Provera once every 3 months (in the form of a shot), and it DRASTICALLY reduces the number of periods you have, in the short term, but if you take it for long enough (2 years +), it'll completely eliminate them.

Now... the downside: could make you gain weight and it causes depression. Also, once you decide to get off it, it takes between 9 & 12 months for the effects to go away.

Anonymous said...

anabolic steriods will make your period go away and as an added bonus you will finally look like the stay-puft marshmallow man from ghostbusters.

Anonymous said...

anabolic steriods

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^^Anorexia is NOT a solution! Anorexia is a disease. You can die from it. It does NOT make you beautiful, and sure, you lose our period, but by that point your bones will be so fragile you'll break them from tripping, you'll be a skeleton, and your imune system will be so shot that you can die from a COLD....that is, if you don't die from starvation first...
Use birth control, or learn to accept that a period is what makes you a woman.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was being sarcastic. Believe me, I have two very good friends who are anorexic, and have been for over a year now. Both have been hospitalized on and off for weeks or even months at a time. And both still don't menstruate. Being so thin that you even SKIP periods, even if its just one or two, is really damaging. Having them stop altogether is a sign of something very serious. I just didn't want anon9 to think that I ACTUALLY consider anorexia a solution to problems.

Anonymous said...

birth control doesnt STOP a period, it simply regulates it so you know exactly when you'll have it. and it's a lot lighter and you dont have as many PMS symptoms.

Anonymous said...

ok, periods are the bane of every girl's existence, but don't you understand? it's a normal part of life. if you don't have your period, that either means you are pregnant or there is something horribly wrong with you. it is just a sign that you are healthy. and yes, it is awful, and the cramps make it even more so, but at least it's only once a month and if your period isn't retarded and 6 days long like mine, it doesn't last that long.

Swales said...

^What if one's period is retarted and six to eight days long?

Anonymous said...

^ then you'll just spent 25% of your reproductive-stage life bitchy and upset with your abdomen ;)

Anonymous said...

I used to have eight-day periods. Then two. Then they disappeared from weight loss. Now four.

Hey, I'm happy.

I embrace periods as a sign of femininity. (Even though I physically couldn't move earlier this week due to cramps)
Maybe I'm just crazy.

Anonymous said...

haha you guys think 8 days is bad? try 15 or 16. (Birth control solved this for me, fortunately)

Anonymous said...

i think it's funny that everyone is posting about cramps lately. it's totally the full moon.... and for some reason something about spring made them REALLY BAD for everyone! i nearly fell over earlier this week too
it's really not fair that guys never have to deal that kind of pain. we're just expected to grin and bare it. ughh

Anonymous said...

Actually, if you go on birth control and don't take placebos when you get your period, it will stop alltogether.

Anonymous said...

yes, but that's unhealthy.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Obviously you have never received a sharp kick to the testicles. That doesn't necessarily happen once a month, 8 days in a row, but that's only because if it did... it would kill all men. Forever.

Anonymous said...

^There's actually a passage in the bible forbidding women from punching men in the crotch. Seriously. In certain moments of extreme pain, Theocracies don't look all that bad.

Anonymous said...

^Good thing I'm not Christian, because or else I'd be banned from church and everything Christian-related?

Also, op, if you feel so bad about your period, just remind yourself that every single girl in the world who is in her reproductive stage has the same problem as you once a month. Even though it is a pain in the ass (or should I say vagina? or abdomen, cramps galore?), at least you're not alone...

Anonymous said...

Why are there 25 nearly identical posts on this topic?

And I think that girls actually have it worse when it comes to reproductive discomfort. If you want to know that anorexia isn't a solution to anything, walk through Enloe.

PS. "Female who punched a male in the crotch", go die.

Anonymous said...

a lot of really active sports people like gymnasts dont get their periods either for the same reason as anorexic people....they dont have enough body fat (just for a different reason) most young gymnasts dont get it until they stop training so intensly and start to lose some muscle and gain some weight