Wednesday, May 10, 2006

i simply DONT like you, nanotyrannus. as a person. why can't you get that?

10:07:02 PM


thewordofrashi said...

What did Nano ever do to you?

Anonymous said...

as a person she has a grating personality. i concur.

sithgirl said...

Psh, I love Nano. She is fantastic.

I guess she and I will just have to stand for being the admins people don't like.

We'll start our own group of admins people don't like.


Anonymous said...

I think that it's immature to use a site like this to bash other people. Seriously, if you have a problem with someone in real life, go talk to them about it.

Swales said...

Okay, Op. It is on.

You simply do NOT put down SwalesT'shooth's quirky, thoughtful, sexy, intelligent, pommegranite-eating lesbian lover and cower behind the protection of your 'anonymity'.

I will find you.

Or rather, my bat minions will find you.

And that will be a day that you will rue. Oh, a day that you will rue, indeed. 0_o

Anonymous said...

The OP must be insane, as well as anon 1, because nanoty is like, one of the coolest people I know. I don't see how you couldn't like her, unless you just happen to have something against pommegranites, or hate short (sorry nanoty) people. I think it's just a problem with you, because you must be the biggest asshole on the planet to have a problem with her.

Nanotyrannus said...

I don't mind so much. As has been said before, I have no idea who you are, OP, and so your judgement doesn't carry a lot of weight.

I'm curious, though: what is it exactly that you dislike so much about me? Disliking me as a person is rather vague.

Nanotyrannus said...

Oh, and if I don't get it, then tell me. I won't pretend that I'm not a dense when it comes to understanding other people, and I don't mean to piss you off. So tell me directly and I'll do what I can to stay away from you or whatever.

And Anon1: at least you were more specific. I appreciate that. And I see your point.

龙年 said...

NanoT is a rather good person, from what I know of her.

I think these hate posts are a little extraneous, personally. If the statements were more precise, instead of merely vague general assaults, perhaps they could be more valuable. As Nano said, though, an anonymous comment with no details or specifics simply cant't mean much.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Pomegranates are also delicious and nutritious.

Anonymous said...

le sigh