Sunday, May 21, 2006

i just lookd at the postsecret page, and decided to post here because i have the same secret

i have hairy nipples too.

07:09:32 PM


Anonymous said...

I think most people do, actually. I'm sure it's rarer for girls but I bet some of them are hairy as well.

Yeesh, I just got an image of having to wax my nipples...

Anonymous said...

join the club

Anonymous said...

i have the problem too.. im a guy.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a girl, and yo tengo hairy nipples. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal, but I deal as best as I can, I actually plucked mine once before...

Anonymous said...

yea i have about like 2 or 3 long hairs there and that's it, it's kinda weird

Anonymous said...


mine arent black tho.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, looks like a lot of people have them.

i do too.

Anonymous said...

haha yeah, I'ma girl and I have used to have a few random ones hanging out there - I pluck them out though, they are too weird to keep.

Anonymous said...

boy do i feel left out...


Anonymous said...

for a guy its realtivly normal. BUt man plucking nipple hairs yeow that would hurt.

Anonymous said...

For me, it's only like 3 or 4 hairs, so plucking isn't a big deal - and people DO see them. :)

Anonymous said...

"people" see them, or just a special someone? if it's just 1 guy, then i'd say you're better off leaving them alone. if you pluck or shave or Nair, i think they'll just come back longer, stronger & darker (i think that's the way body hair works). I guess there's always laser hair removal or electrolysis.

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl and I have a few random black ones, and they are weird/annoying so I either pluck mine or pull mine out as they are with my hands. It might hurt, but they take longer to grow back and grow back thinner and lighter each time.
DON'T nair them, nair= chemical burns and scars for life, and especially on the delicate skin in the chest area the effects will not be good.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Contrary to the old wives tale of shaved hair coming back "stronger and darker", it's actually merely due to the absence of the hair making no real difference, in that your body is still developing over that time period where your hair has been shaved off.

What does this mean? Well, all things in your body tend to develop in a progressive manner (unless you're sickly), SO the hair will come back stronger just because your body is becoming stronger.

I'd be willing to bet the "stronger and darker" phenom doesn't occur in middle-aged peoples, and if some subjects say it does... that is most likely a product of self-perception.

Or out of whack, freaky hair-growth.