Monday, May 08, 2006

I crave attention. I will do just about anything to get it. Sometimes what I do is despicable. Sometimes that gets me into trouble. Sometimes what I do doesn't work at all, and I end up looking like the biggest idiot the world has ever seen.

Once, I lied and told everyone I had sex with someone just for the attention. My parents found out about this, by some unfortunate circumstances, and so they basically grounded me for eternity. As time progressed, I was losing touch with the story, making mistakes in my lie I guess, and I wanted to get myself ungrounded. So I had to tell the world that I lied about having sex, I was in fact, a virgin and I had invented to the lie just to get attention. I ended up just looking like a fool.

All I wanted was for people to notice me...

09:30:36 PM


Anonymous said...

Then let them notice you not someone else's mask.

Anonymous said...

just ask yourself: do I want a bad reputation for what I did not do, or a good one for who I am?

Anonymous said...

yeaaa....why dont you make up good stuff?

Anonymous said...

"A liar must be good at remembering."
