Saturday, August 25, 2007

we have to go to school,again.

why do i feel nervous?
i've been with these same people 
for two years now.

i just can't understand it.
it's not like i'm an outcast,
or anything close.

i've got my friends.


08:52:00 PM


Anonymous said...

maybe you'd be less nervous if you didn't keep doing the period-question mark-question mark thing

Anonymous said...

not my fault.

bad formatting on the mod's fault.

Dr.A said...

reh, c'est la vie.

but about the actual post -- to be honest, everyone feels nervous about school at some point, or at least i did and many of the people i talked to about it. i wouldn't really worry because... i mean, it's school. be grateful for what you have and try to gain what you don't have yet, i would say everything seems to be going fine for you. not that i actually know of course about your specific situation.