Sunday, April 08, 2007

Each night the urge to die gets stronger

09:49:00 PM


Anonymous said...

well if you do it then jump off a building, don't od or shoot your self, and when you jump do a flip before entering into a perfect swan dive.

Anonymous said...

no, don't die. i've been there before, but i've stayed alive because of hope. life is worth living, so talk to someone or get help if you need to. check out this too.

Anonymous said...

anon 4 is too sensitive and probably an emo

Anonymous said...

anon 3 is just stupid and anon 5 isn't much better. i agree with anon 4.

Anonymous said...

anon8 thinks s/he is a smartass b/c s/he made some witty joke about anons that hadn't even commented yet.

Anonymous said...

anon 6 would like to point out that he or she never said that dying was cool and simply objected to suicide being referred to as cowardly (for such reasons such as that it seems very likely that anon 3 has never experienced depression and therefore does not have a valid opinion on whether or not it is cowardly for one to kill oneself) and the subsequent calling of anon 4 emo after anon 4 called anon 3 a bitch as i am not sure how that person arrived at the conclusion of emo.

To anon 7 I must ask whether or not, if he or she believes that suicide would be the correct response if it would lead to anon 7's comfort, his or her values are really so easily compromised or anon 6 has somehow misunderstood the thinking behind the seventh post. Was it simply a pathetic attempt to prove a point?

Anonymous said...

This is getting ridiculous.