Friday, May 05, 2006

Why do I masturbate when I can just get the real thing.

11:22:15 PM


Anonymous said...

I don't know.

Why do people write things that are obviously meant to be questions, but FAIL to put a question mark on the end.

Anonymous said...

the lack of question mark reveals the unconcious motive for the sentence.. ie, it is only really designed to be a boastful display, not an actual question.

Anonymous said...

What I find worse than that are commands with question marks, ala Johnson tests last year.

"Name three significant aspects of Chinese society in the Tang Dynasty? Explain your reasoning for choosing these as significant?"

My mental image of that is a really confused teacher with her head cocked like a puppy asking the questions. Or rather, stating the statements.

thewordofrashi said...

I hate you people. No one cares about grammar/punctuation on the internet unless it makes the meaning completely muddled and unreadable.

And to the OP: Probably because it feels good. I think the statistic is that something like 90% of married men still masturbate, so that should make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

because you cant have sex 12 times a day. But you can mastubate 12 times a day, or at least i can.

Anonymous said...

^ pssst - when you start getting raw and having hand cramps, it's too often.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... don't tear it off.