Tuesday, May 09, 2006

where the hell do i feel 'safe, loved, comfortable, and secure'?

06:37:49 PM


thewordofrashi said...

This is a good question. I started this assignment by listing places were I do not feel secure:

Klan rallies
Iced T's car
In the company of neo-Nazis
Chavis Heights

Then, just go from there. I recommend starting with something basic, such as "my bed." And when I say that, I mean your bed. Not my bed. As a matter of fact, I doubt any of you have ever been in my bed. If you were, I would have had to either be asleep or not at home at all. But now, I am rambling, and so I shall stop.

Anonymous said...

Rashi - yes rambling, but funny rambling. I laughed out loud at least a couple times. :)
places I feel secure:

church (despite the fact that I am not religous)
school (with the exception of calculus class)
hillsborough street (in daylight)

it doesn't really matter WHERE you are, if you try and be around people who love and care about you, you will feel secure.

Anonymous said...

ms potter class eh ive got that project too

Anonymous said...

ive been in your bed but you were asleep well medicated at least but still i was there you were unconcious

Anonymous said...

dreams? with friends? does it really have to be a tangible noun?

u can say like, absorbed in a book, while eating ice cream, stuff like that might work, but iunno exactly what kind of project u have

thewordofrashi said...

Anon3? Is that so?

Anonymous said...

well, I guess it depends. Most of the time I feel safest when I am alone. But after I've just watched a horror movie, I prefer to be in a crowded noisy place, with lots of lights. Because most monsters will only go after you if you go off on your own, into the dark, quiet, night.

Unless, ofcourse, the people I'm being surrounded by are zombies. Gotta watch out for that.

Dr.A said...

I feel safest in the company of women. I think she might think that was funny if I said that.