Sunday, May 07, 2006

Love Poem #2

i do not know you but i know your hands.
i know fingers flowing along lines of touch discovering sandstone ridges of fingerprints i know joints and the curve of knuckles
i know the creases underneath the way i know the layout of my childhood home and thus i know that the bones beneath your skin could be my own.

8:23:42 PM


TintedFragipan said...

ugh, don't let me toot my own horn but the word thus is so good there.

and, you know I like this poem. I already told you. I wish you could convey the shape.

Swales said...

I don't understand it at all. But I love it. Kind of like my relationship with some of the Beatles' later work. But I love it.

Anonymous said...

WOW. ive said it befopre, and i'll say it again. i love your poetry! i just wish i knew what it was like to be that lucky guy.