Thursday, May 11, 2006

I've just been tired alot lately, and have headaches alot...I mean; it's been weeks and I've been getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night...why?

07:54:04 PM


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, self. Why are you posting without me present?

You just described my symptoms.
I'm taken with the idea of attributing the whole thing to those funny times I have every so often, waking up on the verge of suffocation in my sleep. Sleep apnea, here I come!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

depression can cause this. are you depressed about something?

Anonymous said...

If this continues I'd actually see a doctor about it. Wouldn't it be awful to figure out a decade from now that something as stupid as a chemical imbalance or sleep disorder had been negatively impacting your whole life for all that time? Better to solve your tangst now than regret it later.

Anonymous said...

My mom asked me if I was depressed...maybe. And I have seen a doctor. Now I'm not allowed to eat certain foods and have to take vitamins. They're testing my blood...I went to the doctor over a week ago, no news.