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If your life was perfect, you wouldn't KNOW it was perfect. Things are defined in terms of what they are not. If you didn't have bad experiences once in a while, you wouldn't have the capacity to appreciate the good ones.
What would have to change about the life you've got now for you to be completely content?
If all of these things actually came true do you think you really would be happy with your lot? Or would you merely find more things that aren't quite right? Find a whole new host of problems to gripe about?
In the end having a "perfect" life is less about all those fleeting things you wish you had, and more about your state of mind. No matter how cliche it sounds, a supermodel in her mansion is often no better off as far as happiness goes than a farmer or a school teacher. It's the ability to change what you can, accept what you can't, and be content with all the things life brings you that makes people truly happy in the end.
don't we all
Good for you. It's not. Deal with it.
Perfect is boring.
only death is perfect
real bright
no one's life is perfect.
If your life was perfect, you wouldn't KNOW it was perfect. Things are defined in terms of what they are not. If you didn't have bad experiences once in a while, you wouldn't have the capacity to appreciate the good ones.
its the imperfections in life that make life interesting and livable, otherwise its the same stuff day over day.
What would make your life perfect?
What would have to change about the life you've got now for you to be completely content?
If all of these things actually came true do you think you really would be happy with your lot? Or would you merely find more things that aren't quite right? Find a whole new host of problems to gripe about?
In the end having a "perfect" life is less about all those fleeting things you wish you had, and more about your state of mind. No matter how cliche it sounds, a supermodel in her mansion is often no better off as far as happiness goes than a farmer or a school teacher. It's the ability to change what you can, accept what you can't, and be content with all the things life brings you that makes people truly happy in the end.
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