Sunday, May 14, 2006

i learned my lesson: never rely your happiness, your everything upon one person...because once that's gone, you have absolutely nothing left...

10:22:15 PM


Anonymous said...

I hope to God I dont experience that when he leaves. Sure, I can fill my life up with clubs and chores and studies, but I still am expecting this huge void that will only be filled if/when he returns.

Anonymous said...

put your everything on God.

Anonymous said...

God has let some of us down, too.

Anonymous said...

you've ALWAYS got the person that stares back at you when you look in the mirror. put more stock in yourself. i'm sure you loved him/her, but 'this too shall pass'...

Anonymous said...

Putting all of your hopes and joys into God is like investing in mutual funds. Since God is everything and everywhere you're definitely lowering your risks of overall disappointment, but there are always those times when everything crashes down around you. Then the only person to blame is God, and what are you left with?

Anonymous said...

God is always there for you