Friday, May 12, 2006

Gah I hate Enviro. It’s fucking pointless. All I’m doing is sitting here wasting time that I could have spent doing something else, something way more productive. Instead, I’m posting on Tangst. This is stupid.

Even the star of the class isn't doing anything Enviro-related. He's playing playing slime soccer, or something like that. I can see the game play from here.

It's so sad that my classes have been reduced down to nothing. The intensity of things before AP exams is in stark contrast to the mindless drivel we're wading through now.

I repeat: This is stupid.


thewordofrashi said...

I know. Isn't it glorious?

Anonymous said...

the work for enivro is so easy anyways. The only difficult part of the class is the amount of work.

Anonymous said...

I think Enviro is the only important class I'm taking actually (besides spanish). Seriously, that stuff is so freaking important - when am I ever going to use calculus?

Anonymous said...

i loved enviro, especially since the book was trying to teach objectively, it provided both pros and con's to everything, ex: on the one hand, were tearing down the rainforests, dereases biod, etc etc, but it creates thousands of jobs and would rid the planet of a harmful environment that kills thousands every year

it just made me feel less bad about doing environmentally unfriendly stuff