Saturday, May 06, 2006

cant stop cutting.

chhar; <3
12:09:21 AM


Anonymous said...

me too

Anonymous said...

i hope you both find a better way. i remember in another post about this somebody suggested using plasticware as a good first step to get away from doing it. remember, dealing with the problem by talking with somebody might be hard, but scars are forever. think about how will you explain the lacerations to a husband/wife or kids/grandkids.

Anonymous said...

i used rubber bands before i cut, and my mom just made me take them off because they "looked bad." and believe me, rubber bands aren't nearly as satisfying.

anon2, if you do it right it hardly scars at all, and if you do it somewhere easy to hide then almost no one will see it. not every cutter is a wrist slasher. usually that's just the ones who are doing it for attention.

Anonymous said...

I didn't cut with anything big. I cut with the tiniest piece of sharp metal I could find - a paper clip. You can still see scars (a year later). When I cut with scissors, cut with a razor, it was even worse.

Get help.

I know the can't stop cutting feeling. It's... addicting. It really is. But get help. You'll be glad for it in the long run, I promise.

Nothing's better than being better.