Sunday, April 27, 2008

Everything I've done in my life has been to please my parents, and they're never satisfied. Just once I wish they'd be proud of me, but they always treat me like shit. I don't even get a "good job" when I did something well. They never seem to appreciate or acknowledge how much I try. All my life I haven't done anything for me. And yet I can't stop trying to please them. I just wish, for once, I'd get a "good job" or "I'm proud of you".

06:15:00 PM


Anonymous said...

If they don't appreciate you, then stop trying to please them. I'm not saying become a degenerate or let your grades go down the toilet, just don't be so worried about what they think. The only person you need to impress is yourself. What anyone else, even your parents, think is not as important as feeling satisfied with what you have done.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 1. You are the one who has to live your life and be responsible for your failures and successes equally. If you want people to be supportive, look to friends. In many cases, parents are too distant to truly provide the peer relationship you seek. they (usually) love you as their progeny, but that does not extend to being able (or sometimes, willing) to understand your life and concerns.

10 years from now, will you still be trying to please your parents? or will you be pursuing your own dreams?

You can do both, but the latter is so much more important. Pleasing your parents (and anybody else, really) isn't worth much if you can't be proud of yourself too.

Anonymous said...

I've said nearly that same thing with the same style of speech before. Weird.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I've found the best (easiest) way to impress parents is to disappoint them and then later meet expectations.