Friday, February 23, 2007

If only I had lockjaw
Instead of something as insidious
More so than the ever-feared tetanus
Burrowing into my nervous
System, there is a virus.
If only I had chewed up
A bag full of rusted-up nails
And swallowed
My fear of the pariah’s status
My mouth hurts enough as it is.
But I don’t want to talk about it
But Lord, I want to talk about it.

06:29:00 PM


Anonymous said...

This is really well-written. Concrete imagery is such a nice thing to see in the world of teenage poetry, it's so uncommon.

Anonymous said...

This is actually really good. I think that the first time I looked at it I just sort of skimmed over, but then a little while later I read it again. And again. And again. About the time of the second or third reading I realized that it was good and that I liked it.

Like anonymous above me said, the imagery is really nicely written.