Tuesday, February 20, 2007

i see this guy three times a week in PE class, and he's in a completely different (and by high school standards, higher, but i don't think that counts in this situation... maybe "drinking league" fits better).
he's really cute (and freakin' ripped) and i don't know him at all but for some odd reason i really just want to ask him out to get some coffee. my theory is: what could it hurt? i just want to get to know him better.
in life outside of high school this could probably work. i fear that i am going to end up severely hurting myself if i do it though... oh yeah that and i've never (except for once in the seventh grade) asked a guy out and i don't really know this guy that well, but so far we have a few things in common.

but he's really, really, really cute. on the flip side, there's something close to a 95% chance nothing will come of it.
what to do?!

05:29:00 PM


Anonymous said...

Go for it.

Anonymous said...

Theres always that 5%

Anonymous said...

I think I know who you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, dude, why do you always post on here?

Anonymous said...

you only live once so go for it now.